Monday 19 June 2017

Father’s Day Special - Why Dad's love is unique

Why Dad’s love is Different?

It’s not a secret that fathers are as important as mothers for a healthy child development, and at situations, even more.

‘Fatherhood is a unique and complex phenomenon, with a massive effect on children’s emotional and intellectual growth’ as per Psychology Today.

The reason behind the statement by Psychology Today is that the Mother’s love and Father’s love is qualitatively different. Fathers love dangerously, as their love is more expectant and instrumental. A father’s role is unique in child’s development, and regardless of the other factors, the role of a father cannot be replicated or replaced by any other entity.

There are several ways through which father’s presence makes a positive difference in a child’s life. Here are a few to mention;

Fathers parent differently

Fathers carry a unique style of communication and interaction with their children. There is a difference in the parenting of a mother and father, and this variety provides children with a broader and richer experience. Since, both, mothers and fathers have their own unique way of dealing with their adult life—the sheer experience is critical for their development. 

Fathers are playful

Fathers wrestle, teach how to throw a ball—they’re playful scary monsters who teach their small children when ‘enough is enough’ and ‘when to stop’. This is how children learn a healthy balance between aggression and timidity.

Fathers are confidence builder

Fathers teach how to ride bikes faster, encourage children to go to playgrounds, how to throw like a man; fathers push the limits of kids to show them the possibility.
This gradual push makes kids independent and confident. Markedly, this also leads to expand their experiences and considerably increase their confidence.

On this Father's Day, AK Mishra's Art of Success wishes all fathers, "Happy Father's Day"

Monday 5 June 2017

Hey, Confused? The answer lies in your intuition, know how

Your mind will answer most of the questions if you learn to relax in peace and wait for the answers. No matter how clear we are for our goals, at some time or other, we often find ourselves stuck in situations when choosing a right path becomes the most challenging task. Most of you must have heard several times about the power of human’s brain but it depends on our ability to make efficient use of that power. Some personalities try to get into the depth of almost everything to find answers, while some just listen, get the relevant or useful material from others and move on. So it depends on person to person how one is capable of using the brain power.

From both the perspectives, whether spiritual or scientific, we have the power to foresee; that often comes in the form of intuition. The way we are blessed with the mind power to think, perceive, act, and perform other activities, similarly we are also blessed with intuitive powers. Every human being has this particular ability in small or large quantity. 

We, as a kid tend to be less logical and pay more attention to our intuitions, but as we age, the habit of listening to our intuitions is slowly taken over by our logical thinking. Though yes, logical thinking is very important and cannot be neglected, we cannot ignore the fact that sometimes even our logics fail to help us take a right decision for us, and sometimes even creates more confusion. This is the time when our intuition shouts and wants us to pay attention, and this is the time when we need to be calm, slow, relax, introspect and let our consciousness speak. 

Whether you believe it or not, humans can sense or foresee the good or bad future incidents with this unique power, called intuition. Although, as I stated earlier, each one of us gifted with this power, some in small or some in large quantity. But here are few basic tips which can be followed to strengthen one’s intuitive powers.

Clear the clutter of your mind – your mind works best when it is not under pressure. A peaceful mind helps unveil the true potential of human’s brain which is way beyond than what we perceive. Juggling with work pressure, personal life problems, emotional traumas and other exhaustive activities we do in a day to win the race of competitions we all are experiencing in today’s era; often land us in a whirlpool of dramatized confusion. This chaos further makes it more difficult for us to hear our inner voice. If you cannot ward off it completely, try to find peace for a while, give yourself a break! Let the cloud carrying miseries flow away slowly. Let the distractions flow out of your mind; give your mind a chance to rest. Give some peaceful time to your mind and open the doors to your intuitive powers. Pay attention to what your conscious has to say.

Meditation - Meditation is a powerful tool to develop your intuition. Meditation helps in relaxing the constant useless chatter our mind is often filled with. This helps in unlocking the intuitive powers and makes us more attentive towards our inner voice. Chanting ‘OM’ is an added advantage to meditation. Once you will learn the art of meditation, you will begin differentiating between the mental chatter and genuine divine intuition. 

Yoga -  Yoga is a wonderful art of balancing each part of your body. Yoga not only makes you externally look fit, but also helps you sculpt and tone your mind. With an undivided concentration on mind, body, and soul, one can indeed tremendously develop the power to sense and foresee things with intuitive abilities. 

Honor your intuition -  In order to give life to your intuition, one has to realize the fact that it exists. Start paying attention to the little voices and signals that originate from inside you to harp on a peaceful and satisfying life. Honoring these signs give wider wings to your intuitive abilities. 

Trust -  We humans have natural tendency to not believing in something new without having strong logic or proof behind it. The same goes with intuition. You might not want to rely on intuition to take a bigger decision for a project or to find answers to a major problem. Yet, in the event that you need great outcomes, you should confide in your inward characteristics of instinct. As you will begin contingent upon it, you will feel it as a divine blessing – an irreplaceable one. The more you trust it, the more you will follow up on it. You can utilize this novel blessing in any type of life – be it personal or professional

Your spirit is your closest companion. It stays with you until the end of time. Pay attention to it to get the results which are best for you. Tune into your inward voice since its whispers will take you to the way of bliss and satisfaction.

Dreams - When you sleep, you awaken your subconscious mind. A person might want to do something in reality but often find him/herself in chaos or some fears that frequently stops him from taking further steps. The person might be tangled about a situation and unable to find any answer to it. If you think about the situation while going to sleep, the intuitive powers can help you get the solutions through your dreams. When your subconscious mind is awake, which happens while you asleep; the intuitive powers awakes and get the solutions which seem difficult to get in reality. All you need to do is, write down everything that you saw in your dream and pay attention to each and everything you dreamt of. Dreams hold the key to the development of your intuition and help you find answers to even the most complicated confusions of life.

Monday 29 May 2017

7 Ways To Get Motivated & Start Taking Charge Of Your Life

While reading this post, you must have a long to-do list that might be popping up in your mind; may be your office work, family, kids, cleaning of house, etc. Although, we perform the same tasks every day, we still care to complete our day to day tasks and sadly we put off the things that actually make us feel balanced, healthier and happier.
We often catch ourselves thinking, I’ll begin working out, will try new meal, will go out with loved ones, or I’ll begin working upon what I love the most when I’ll have more time. But, in truth, that MORE TIME never comes, because we get used to of this procrastination.
Undoubtedly, we all are extremely busy in our lives, and in this hectic schedule, beings busy has become a convenient excuse. But ask yourself; is it really impossible to take out some time to do what we have been delaying since long? You know the answer!
If you feel you are not in charge of your life; you must watch this video and actually follow these 7 steps to bring a real transformation in your life.

Monday 15 May 2017

AK Mishra's Art of Success wishes all beautiful Mothers 'Happy Mothers Day' - Know your Parenting style based on your sun sign

On this mother’s Day, we did a deep research on zodiac signs and their characteristics. Although there is nothing right or wrong, as everyone has their own method and own parenting style, but your zodiac sign indeed makes a huge difference. And after this deep research, we can help you easily figure out your parenting style based on your zodiac sign.

Zodiac sign can reveal your strengths and weaknesses and say a lot about the way you raise your kids. On this mother’s day, we bring this post for all the mothers to help them understand their personality type and their parenting style in depth.  Though; our personal message to all the mothers; you are simply awesome in your own style!

Aries (March 21-April 19)

You want your children to know their boundaries and you make sure they grow up with appropriate behavior throughout their life. You like to set a kind of hierarchy in your family which you want your children to respect. Being a fire sign, you want respect from your children throughout your life and you know the value of your own time and you are not afraid of giving yourself a break. Undoubtedly you are full of life and would sacrifice your world for your children without a second thought.
Your weaknesses: being a fire sign, you become fiercely angry, so you should be little careful with your kids.

Read more @ LinkedIn 

Monday 8 May 2017

The role of good or bad fatherhood in kids' life

Father figures are expected, from the very start of one’s life, to be wise and powerful. They are expected to solve our problems, to be with us when in need, accompany us to children park, tell us stories, protect us. They are judicious and kind, perhaps a little tough at times but always fair—but most importantly, we expect them to be always, on our side. 

To make fun of someone who has problems with their father, even after acknowledging their discomforting longing, is humiliating and rude. It’s completely alright for someone to desire a fatherly figure in their lives, especially, when in chaos and confusions. It’s utterly hurtful to want someone to protect us and fail at finding anyone at sight.

When does it start?

This notion of desiring a fatherly figure comes from our childhood—when we’re both young and immensely week, and need protection from everything that might hurt us. In our childhood, even a cat of a considerable size can kill us—things were mysterious when we were young, and often were outside of our control. To wish for a father in befalling situations is completely natural. The adult longing for a good father is a consequential emotion from not having a good father in the childhood. It’s a result of abandonment.

According to a study at Erikson University in 2009, a grown man evidently seems extremely impressive to a small child. For a child, a grown man knows everything; the capital of India, how to drive a bicycle, how to fight, how to catch a ball. They can lift you up with their immense power. They go to bed secretly late, and wake up earliest in the morning. They can swim and let you ride their back. Fathers, by their all difference, are beyond astonishing creature.

People with father problems, contrary to its paradox, are almost, always, the ones who didn’t have very good fathers when they were small. Maybe their fathers were incredibly strong, but at the same time cruel or maybe disinterested. Perhaps, they were busy, and weren’t around much or perhaps they left after a disturbing fight. Perhaps, they divorced their wives, or may be they died. This is what, in many surprising ways, incline us to some tricky behaviors. This lead us to develop absurd fantasies, irrelevant to our maturity level and skepticism, around the idea of male protection.
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We, even after the years of failing and learning our lessons, all by ourselves—still remain like a young child we once were. In a way, we were not allowed to mature away from our unquenched fantasies of fathers. We still, secretly, desire someone to step in and take the role. We want someone else to make our big decisions, we want them to protect us, and be tough around us. We want them, in a certain mysterious way, to vanish our problems from our life.

No matter how independent and self-sufficient we act, at the end of the day, we want them to sort out our money problems, we expect them to get angry when anyone tries to hurt us, to be proud of us when we achieve something—to love us for who we are, and primarily, accept us. To fulfill this intrinsic desire, we look out for fathers in friendships, at work, and all the places we emotionally visit.

We all must, if our emotions allow, accept that the adulthood fantasy of fathers is not of a good father. As absurd as it may sound, a good father is the one who boldly and honestly accepts that he isn’t that powerful and cannot solve all our problems. They are conscious that they can’t magically save us from the countless dangers of this world, no matter how much they wish to. They are also honest about this, and tell us the truth as soon as we’re strong enough to face it. Out of love, they let us know that there are not perfect fathers and the best they can do is help us grow, in the best way possible.

What do we need?

We markedly don’t need just a father, we need a good father figure. Someone who could help us out of our father issues, someone who encourage us to talk, acknowledges our sufferings and fears, and deeply wants the best for us and isn’t reluctant to say so; but who at the same time, out of love, wants to help us come to terms with a messy and essentially a disappointing world. A man, who out of love, will encourage you to be independent and, specifically, not to fantasize that anyone, however outwardly imposing, can do the impossible for you. And, shamelessly deny that anyone, even for the love and hate, will always be there for you by your side.

Good fathers allow us to accept the truth that there are, in the end, no fathers; just an independent you—who eventually, by failing and learning, becomes someone else’s, good father. 
If you need some help with any ongoing issue in life, contact AK Mishra's Art of Success. Call us at -  +91 9990 107 766 
Do you think we have missed something that could help people with their father issues? Comment below and let us know.

Monday 1 May 2017

Gift yourself a good health and long life from today with these simple tips

It’s easier to say someone “live long life”, but there are some rules to actually make this phrase true. A healthy lifestyle is more like maintaining a car. Health is equally significant for everyone, whether you are a millionaire or a Gen-Xer. But the good news is, like any other thing in the world, we can take full charge of our health and can nurture and enhance it well with the right knowledge. Most of the information we gather from internet is mix of several diet plans, exercise, etc. and we find some new and different tips on different online sites which further brings confusion and we end up leaving all away and chose to live with ‘let it be” attitude.

Here is a list of ways through which one can indeed live a healthy life and add much more healthy years to life. Some of the healthy tips are taken directly from the World Health Organization, Doctors and Mayo Clinic.
Let’s dig into the wonderful ways to prolong your life right from today

Healthy diet is a key to healthy life
According to World Health Organization, one must avoid consumption of sodium and sugar in excess and rather should start consuming more vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes and grains. Besides that, increasing social life and bringing a shift in one’s mindset from negative to positive takes one a step ahead towards a healthy living. Social life helps one cope up with traumas, reduce stress and encourage people to avoid unhealthy habits or lifestyles such as drinking, smoking etc.

Exercise regularly
Exercise undoubtedly must be added in your must-do list of every day. According to National Institute of Health, exercise for at least 2.5 hours per week increase life expectancy by around 4.5 years.

Take good sleep
In such hectic schedule of everyday life where people not only juggle to do well in professional front but also have to fulfill needs of personal relationships and hence often forget to give enough time to self.  Think of those times that you wasted sitting and staring at your phone, playing games during your off-the-clock hours. Time management is a must learn the art for everybody in today’s era. To take wiser decisions in life, one must have a peaceful mind which can only be attained through enough sleep and rest. Let’s dig into some powerful benefits of having good sleep;
•    8 hours of sleep everyday prevents cancer
•    It keeps heart healthy
•    It reduces stress
•    Helps one to stay fit and to lose unwanted weight
•    It reduces tension and risk of depression
•    Keeps skin and body healthy

Consume plenty of water everyday
Health is wealth! We all have heard this phrase most of the time. If we think about this phrase practically, we’ll find that this is so true. If you are healthy, you will not have to spend your old age paying your hospital bills. In order to stay healthy, water is required as it helps to clear out toxins from the body which causes several health problems. Besides, water moisturizes your joints and keeps you away from body aches and any other healthy ailments.

Thursday 27 April 2017

We often get caught up in the pursuit of wealth, but what does it really mean to be wealthy? Lets redefine

Most of us have a common belief that wealth is equal to the amount of money we have. Although we cannot deny the fact that money does matter a lot, but it's just a part of our wonderful journey called 'LIFE'. Wealth is the blend of our mind, body, and soul; while true wealth is inner contentment. 

Thereby through this video, we are informing the true meaning of - Wealth, which is the relationships and connections we share with each other. We easily get caught up in the whirlwind of monotonous, materialistic, busy and unexamined life, where we have less or no time for ourselves or the people around us. But when we spare some time out of our daily routines to delve into our choices and the things we value, we gain a new perspective on true wealth; that is our relationship, our loved ones, who bring true meaning to our lives. It's still not late, it's still possible to have a wealth of joy, peace & fulfillment each day. 

This video is a small attempt by AK Mishra's Art of Success, a Life Transformation Training Company, to enlighten individuals on the importance of Relationship, nurture the true wealth we all are endowed with, but fail to acknowledge sometimes. 

Come, Join AK Mishra's Art of Success to learn the skills of attaining wealth amongst relationships in all three spheres of one's lives - Personal, Professional and Social.

Source: Linkedin

Monday 24 April 2017

Procrastination – Why it’s not your fault as per the evolution?

Following the footsteps of Charles Darwin and his commendable work in the 19th century, evolution has become the most powerful idea of human existence in the modern world.

A big part of his work was focused on the tendency of genes to mutate over time.  For e.g. when a dog, or a monkey, or a human for that matter, has a gene mutation—it’s commonly defined in terms of the organism’s unsuitability, because of which, ultimately, it dies. But, there is another side of it. Hardly, but sometimes, these mutations give these organisms an advantage and make them more efficient and successful.

Subsequently, these mutations would be transferred to the descendants who will have the same advantages as their parents, followed by a whole generation picking up the same traits. But, we must acknowledge that gene mutation takes time, in fact—a lot of time.

To keep things in perspective—it took us millions of years to get mutated from a single cell organism to the advanced complex structure we today are; homo sapiens. Markedly, a noticeable change in our physical structure is not something we would notice during a lifetime—but, at the same time, equally interesting, there is a second thought from Darwin’s theory of evolution; ‘adaptation of the environment’.

He evidently pointed out that with a shift in an environment—there is also a sudden shift in organism’s characteristics living in it. For an e.g. in 1998, in Untied States, Grey Frog and Green Frogs, although being from the same species—adapted to their environment and preferred wetlands and wooden areas accordingly. These adaptations, although a very substantial improvement, were major to survive in their very habitats and effectively camouflage from the predators. These adaptations can dramatically alter the chances of a species survival. Isn’t that exciting?

This very adaptation theory also applies to the human world, not in terms of reproductive potential but in term of social hierarchy. This is the very reason why ‘nerd intellectuals’ in the 21st century, even after being shortsighted, timid, being short on charisma, poor muscular development, lack of social skills, have a successful life.

On the contrary, in the past, most of one’s success was dependent on his/her physical strength and social skills and, on the other hand—the loner, introverts were in a very disadvantageous position. Fast forward to the last quarter of 20th century, where technical revolution created this environment for nerds to flourish and by the end of it, it turned out to be highly advantageous for them.

Humans as a species are not mutating enough to be even noticeable, on contrast, our environment is changing rapidly. And, this has hugely affected our society. Some of us, a very small fraction of our society is like those green and grey frogs, who has these rewarding traits like self-discipline, massive intellect, rationality, which gives them a great advantage over the others and substantially improve their life standards.

But, several of us, who aren’t too much inclined towards the adaptations, unlike Grey or Green Frogs, in this new world—do not have these empowering traits. We often overeat, have baseless anxieties, spend an immeasurable amount of time before screens, watch too much porn, stay monogamous and get involved in so many unproductive activities.

The bottom line is – that even though we often find ourselves chasing in this technology-driven capitalist society, we must acknowledge that adaptation according to this new modern world is not the trait for everyone. We often, find ourselves not fitting in the room filled with intellectuals and disciplined humans. During those times, we must be a little forgiving for us and most importantly, for people around us.

We should see that it’s our biology that has disappointed us with a range of cognitive habits that do not serve us anymore. Our indulgence around sugar, anxiety, power, sex and excitement did make sense when they evolved, but not now, although pleasing and entertaining, they are counterproductive and hamper our effectiveness in this capitalist society.

Darwin’s theory helps us to understand why we do such unproductive things on a daily basis and struggle with the smallest of the tasks. If truth be told, it’s just that we are not adapting to the modern times for which we are consistently accused of the demeaning human nature.

Undoubtedly, the modern world is a strange place and it’s really hard for most of us to pull off. Acknowledging our limitations, we all should accept that Darwin was right. Not all of us are adapting enough to be successful—not all of us are like those grey and green frogs from United States. it’s not even our fault—places where we were growing up, the kind of education we get, people that surround us, our friends and families—there are several variables that play a critical role in making one successful. And, even if one of the pieces miss match—we miserably stay under the shed of mediocrity. So, next time you see an unsuccessful man—struggling with his life—failing, just know—it’s not anyone’s fault. He, unknown to the adapting world, is trying. And, that’s enough!

Monday 10 April 2017

How to Properly Complain without Offending Everyone?

If we look the internal structure of a complaint—you wouldn’t be surprised that it’s of the same pattern as a debate. It should go without saying that a debate must be attempted with an appropriate preparation—especially If you’d want to win it—so should a complaint.
Living in a capitalist society that constitutes people of varying mindsets and people who are driven by different motives—it’s inevitable that someone in our vicinity will hurt us in some way or the other. Markedly, it could be anyone; a colleague, a child, a friend or out of all, most likely—your partner.
People around us are often neglectful of something that matters excessively to us. With our definition, people surrounding us are mostly; thoughtless, brusk, offensive or unkind. We don’t often recognize our reactions to the maltreatment people throw at us. We might not agree but our reactions go right from our hearts and clearly depicts who we are. Our reactions can make a substantial difference between a life of a persistent bitterness, constant frustrations and our tolerable peaceful coexistence with so-called our ruthless society.  
An important section that contributes immensely to the art of living is sanely handling those who do us wrong and complain constructively. There are largely 3 main paths which one might opt to complain others;

1.       Shouting Panda

Here we shout, insult, belittle, explode to our extremes to crush our opponents. However, the thing that we often neglect is what lies behind these responses. It’s agitation and broadly a catastrophic feeling of betrayal and hurt. This unsettles us so much and hurts our dignity to such an extent that we find ourselves roaring our way to humiliation. But, at the same time—we also must acknowledge that Shouting Panda guarantees to prevent our complaint from ever being heard, let alone be resolved.

In our way to complain with all our rantings, we often end up offending who have offended us, which entirely dooms our original complaint against them. Here, we achieve nothing!

2.       Holding Panda

Here the victim says very little but hates very quietly and deeply. Here, one doesn’t complain directly from their disparity of ever being understood. This panda is often fueled with self-loathing and feels like he doesn’t deserve to be heard. It gets trapped in primitive self-hatred—resulting in an intense cynicism and melancholy and withdraws himself from the scene itself.

We often learn this technique of complaining in our childhood when we learn to swallow our pain and push it inside us. It often leaked with veiled aggression against those who have done us wrong.

Here too, we achieve nothing!

3.       Adult Panda

Here Panda is mature and knows what he wants to communicate. In order to master such a behavior, we should fundamentally work with a background sense that we don’t deserve meanness and also, that meanness won’t on its own ever be able to disturb us.

We mustn’t put ourselves in a complete chaos, just because someone has said something mean to us—by an insult.

Here are few things Adult Panda can teach us;

·         We should take the meanness from the world in a calm and strategic manner.

·         We must be careful to not belittle our opponents or insult.

·         We must concentrate on how we feel rather than pointing fingers at our opponents.

·         Replace – ‘You’re selfish and evil for doing this to me’ by saying – ‘I feel hurt’.

Even after all the precautions and advice from Adult Panda, we shouldn’t extend our faith to everyone that they would always understand our complaint and accept what we’re trying to convey. But, we voice our complaints anyway, because we know it’s not good to swallow our complaints. And, no one gets benefited from our silence in a long run.

By sketching an appropriate style of complaining, we can fill in our words with reasons and reflections and we can take our hesitant self on the path of Mature complaining—one step at a time.

Happy Complaining!

If you think there is a better way to express a complaint, do let us know in our comment section. We might include it in our article and help several people to improve their complaining.

Also, Check our courses by Success Guru AK Mishra and explore infinite possibilities to improve your lifestyle; Click Here  

Monday 3 April 2017

EQUANIMOUS – What does it mean and Why it’s important?

Being successful is not a goal—it’s an everyday journey. It is said that your degree of success in life directly depends on how you use your mind and body. There are essential qualities that one should cultivate towards their body and mind. There are proper well-defined steps to be successful in the world. The two fundamental qualities are that; you must be able to harness the prowess of human mind and the human body.

Harness the Mind

To harness the human mind—the one quality that you must possess is to be Equanimous.



1.       In full control of your faculties

Equanimous gives you access to different dimensions of your mind. If there is no equanimity, in a skewed sense of mind, your ability to use your mind is substantially reduced. Another major dimension is on the level of your energy, both physiologically and internally—one must be exuberant. It’s only when one energizes the exuberance within himself, he is able to have an ability to find a solution for the various complications of life.

Success will come to you much more easily, but beyond this, to be successful—one needs insight, inspiration and integrity.

Visit Art of Success to know more secrets: here

Insight: With this, you pay attention to your life around you in such a way that you get to see something that most of the people avoid in day-to-day life.

Inspiration: With this, one must be constantly inspired. It’s is important to understand why you’re doing—what you’re doing.  To look at the larger dimension of your actions and figure out the contribution that you make through your simple acts or whatever you are doing for that matter. You must acknowledge that every action that you take in your life is a contribution to some dimension in this world.  Someone or other gets affected by your actions—so the key is to be conscious of your actions and how it affects your surroundings, and that will provide us with a constant inspiration.

Integrity: Integrity is a crucial part of your success because your actions that you carry in this world exhibits an aura of trustiness around you—that you generate on the daily business. How many people you effect on the daily basis determines your daily efforts. The amount of trustiness will directly impact and enhance, simply because people pave the way for trustworthy people, rather than creating impediments.

Wednesday 29 March 2017

Believe in magic and it will happen: Join Life Lovers Club

Believe something amazing is going to happen, and it will—because magic happens to only those who believe in it. 
AK Mishra's Art of Success invites all the believers to join Life Lovers Club and take a leap forward. 
Get aboard! We look forward to seeing you. 

Visit our website -

Monday 20 March 2017

International Day of Happiness – Do you really celebrate the Happiness?

Do you think we all should get a holiday to celebrate the day of happiness; Or should we celebrate the happiness at workplace; as our work is something which truly brings inner satisfaction, agree or not? 

International Day of Happiness is observed every year on 20th March to recognize the relevance of wellbeing and happiness. The day was founded by United Nations (UN) through adopting UN Resolution 66/281 in order to achieve two goals: 1 is to establish a set of principles for addressing the complex, interrelated challenges faced by humankind in the ultimate quest to achieve happiness and 2nd is to promote, reserve and celebrate the principles outlined in UN Resolutions 65/309 and 66/281; that happiness is a universal human right and goal.

The way we celebrate Valentine’s Day to recall the importance of love and true relationships in our lives, the day sometimes serves to remind us how much we love our partners and how much we are adored in return. similarly, the International Day of happiness must be celebrated with equal enthusiasm to recognize the significance of happiness in our lives.

What is the biggest source of happiness in your life? Relationships? Work? Innermost passion or a desire? Whatever it is, celebrate it today! If its work; if you are doing the job you always wanted; celebrate it today. If you are married to a person you always wanted to marry with, celebrate it! If you still managed to keep your passion alive while struggling with every day hectic schedule; celebrate it today! Life gives us a lot every day to celebrate; it’s we who often forget to notice as we are so busy in paying attention to the things we do not have in life.

This is the idea behind the international Day of Happiness; a great day to shift our focus on Happiness; especially when the world is too busy in paying attention to the negativities or the wrong things happening in people’s personal lives; today, think about the positive things you have in your life.
When we have beautiful relationships, we often desire to have more materialistic satisfaction, and the people who are financially strong, often miss the beautiful relations in life; this is because we do not acknowledge the things we have and end up rushing behind other things in life.

Therefore, not today; just for the sake of celebration, but every day, acknowledge the things you have; feel the happiness that can be brought to you by small moments, some people or few achievements in life. The relationships, the wonderful caring mother, a supportive father, crazy siblings, friends, a great career, celebrate even the struggle; because that really brings out your true personality; celebrate each and every moment; celebrate this happiness you have in life. Wish you all a very Happy International Day of Happiness

Friday 17 March 2017

If you think you are going nowhere in life, hold on. Read this!

In today’s era of hectic schedules and fast-paced world, we all are in hurry to win the race. The race to complete the tasks, the race to get most effective and productive at the workplace, the race to prove yourself the best, but while running in this race, we often encounter a question in mind; where are we exactly heading towards? Are we going in the right direction? We often get disappointed when things don’t occur the way we expected. We are running in the race with a constant fear of left behind.

This is an era when 15 years old kids are developing codes, making websites and changing the overall definition of success. Some people at the age of 25 are running their own organizations or have become accomplished artists and traveling the world.

If at the age of 30, you are still drudging in 9 to 6 job, these questions must be popping up in your mind; what am I doing? Where have I reached? Am I even closer to this race? Is this what I wanted in my life?

Most of your friends are working in big MNCs with high profiles, updating their pictures on social networking sites, most of your friends are getting married and posting pictures of their honeymoon to Switzerland or some other exotic locations, which you cannot even think in the next 2 to 3 years.

Relax! Take a deep breath. Stop comparing yourself with others. Everyone is living their part; everyone is struggling with their problems and weaknesses; all you can see is what others actually choose to show you. The world is full of different kind of people; some get successful early in life; while some do wonders at the later part of life. Some get married at 25, while some get the love of their life at the age of 40. Some drop out the college and become an entrepreneur at the age of 35; while some after completing their MBA wait for 5 years to secure a good job.

Henry Ford designed his revolutionary Model T car at the age of 45, you never know what you’ll be doing at this age; may be something better than this. Always remember this wonderful fact; “You are uniquely, lovingly positioned on this earth by masters craftsman, don’t compare yourself to others.

There is a right time for everything to happen, and everyone is working on the basis of their Time Zone. You friends, your colleagues, your cousins, your siblings; some might seem going ahead of you while some may seem behind you. But all are working their own race, on their own lane in their own time. There is a different master plan for all created by the almighty. Let this plan work out the way it is, and stop comparing your plan and time with others. Everything happens for a reason. Where Obama took retirement at the age of 55, trump took the ownership at 70; they are in their own time zone and you are in yours.

Happiness cannot be achieved by achieving success at young age, or getting married or travelling the world; the true happiness is achieved when you start considering yourself unique, when you know your worth which cannot be compared with any other person in the world; when you feel satisfied with what you have and work to achieve what you desire without cribbing anymore by looking at others’ success, when you consider others’ success as an inspiration for you and when you begin competing not with others but with your own self.

Maybe the job you have lost wasn’t right for you; as you are meant to hone your skills for something great, maybe the person you are not with anymore wasn’t right for you; maybe you are meant for someone else; we get the things which are truly meant for us when we learn to accept, let go and open ourselves to receive.

When things are not going the way they should be; do not get disheartened; spend that time in polishing your personality, learning new skills and creating a better “you” for the future. You never know, you might be doing something really worthwhile in few years and you are busy today in cribbing, feeling bad and drowning your woes in alcohol. Just imagine the regret! Are you really that worthless? The answer is NO!. you can do wonders, it’s just you have to make yourself ready for the time when you’ll do wonders, so learn from your today’s mistakes, make yourself better and get ready for the future achievements.

Wednesday 8 March 2017

International Women's Day 2017: Be Bold to bring a positive change

The International women’s Day is celebrated every year on 8th March all over the world. The day is celebrated to acknowledge and give honor to all the women for their selfless love, determination and for being a beautiful essence of our lives.

AK Mishra's Art of Success
Courtesy: AK Mishra Library

A woman has incredible power to create, transform and nurture. A woman is the personification of affection, love, care, sacrifice and has beautiful skills to nurture life.
Her ability to beautifully nurture life makes a woman the strongest and powerful being. She can play diverse roles with serenity, be it a supporting wife, a lovely daughter, caring mothers or an affectionate and friendly sister.
A woman has her own uniqueness and is nowhere less than any other man in the world. Gender is a western concept. India is said to be the original home of Mother Goddess. From Sita in Ramayan to Rani Jhansi to Kannagi in Silapathikaran are not only celebrated women but have also immensely contributed to social change and awareness.

India is fortunate to have had several great women – Annie Besant, who was the first president of Indian National Congress, Vijayalakshani Pandit, first Indian Woman President of UN General Assembly, Sarojini Naidu, Mother Teresa, Indira Gandhi, who was the 2nd woman Prime Minister in the world, Pratibha Patil, first women president of India, Kalpana Chawla, and many more Indian women in corporate sector who have proved to be more than a match. Their wonderful contribution to society in whole is priceless.  While acknowledging wonderful woman of the world, how can we miss to recall the incredible strength of Neerja, a 23-year-old flight attendant who lost her life while saving hundreds of lives in an airplane hijack.

Women should be respected and have complete rights in the society to live the life of their choice, to wear the clothes of their choice.  The people who look at them with bad intentions got to change their perceptions and mindsets. All the men and women must take a stand to stop all kinds of violence against women. Let's bring a positive change in the society and make this beautiful world the safest place for all the women to live the life of their choice. 

On this wonderful Day, AK Mishra’s Art of Success wishes all the woman of the world a Very Happy Women’s Day! And to all the men of the world, you guys are incredible too who work harder to fulfill all the wishes of your wife, to make your mother’s dreams come true, to let your sisters never face any hard times, and to give all love and affection to your daughters. 

We have the power to create change and make the world a better place as women; no matter how these bunch of criminals try to keep them under fear. Women and men must stand together against rape, domestic violence, slavery etc. It is up to all of us to remember and act because the worst crime would be to forget. 

Monday 6 March 2017

How not to care what anyone thinks of you?

AK Mishra's Art of Success

One of our most prominent fears which haunt us when we socialize in this world and mingle with others—is that we may in our hearts be not interesting, rather boring. But the good news and fundamental truth too is that no one is ever truly boring. They are only in danger of coming across as such when they either fail to understand their deeper selves or don’t dare or know how to communicate with others.

There is simply no such thing as an inherently boring person or thing—is one of the great lessons of art. Many of the most satisfying artworks don’t feature rare elements, they are evidently about the ordinary, looked from a special perspective, with unusual sincerity and openness to varnished experience.

AK Mishra's Art of Success

For example—look at the painting of Whistler’s Mother by James McNeill. It’s a simple depiction of artist’s mother sitting on a wooden chair against a gray wall. Outwardly the scene in the painting is utterly simple and could initially appear to be deeply unpromising material for a painting. Yet, like any great artist, McNeill knew how to interrogate his own perceptions—in a fresh, clear, underivative manner and translated them accurately into his medium—knitting a small masterpiece out of the thread of everyday life. And just as there’s no such thing as a boring everyday life, so too there could be no such thing as an innately boring person.

Humans witnessed in its essence with honesty and without artifice is always interesting.

When we call a person boring—we’re just pointing to someone who doesn’t have the courage for concentration to tell us what it’s like to be them. By contrast, we invariably prove compelling when we succeed in saying how and what we truly desire, envy, regret mourn or dream. In a simpler form if anyone recuperates the real data on what it’s like to exist is guaranteed to have material with which one can captivate others.

An interesting person isn’t always someone with whom obviously and outwardly interesting things have happened: like someone who travelled the world or met importance dignitaries, nor someone who talks about the weighty themes of culture, history or science. On the contrast, an interesting person is someone who can give us faithful accounts, drama, and strangeness of being alive.

Then, what are some of the elements that get in the way of is being as interesting as we in fact are;

Our Loss of Faith
We feel boring and exhibit the same feeling when there is a lack of faith. We often believe that it really could be feelings that would stand the best chance of interesting others. When we tell an anecdote, we majorly concentrate on giving the outward details—like about the weather, people who were involved, what time was it—rather than maintaining courage to report the layer of feelings, beneath the surface—the intricate facts which flashes the moment of guilt, the sudden sexual attraction, the humiliating sulk, that strange euphoria at the middle of the night, every small detail. We should acknowledge that our neglect is not just an oversight, but it could be a deliberate strategy to mold our ideas of dignity and normality. We lack the nerve to look more closely within.
For say, most five-years-old are far less boring than most 45-years old. What’s interesting is that kids don’t necessarily have exciting feelings, far from it, but their sheer frankness and uncensored version of their feelings are what makes their insights interesting.

Our inner-struggle to appear normal
We all feel boring not by our nature—so much as by a fateful will that begins its effect in teenage years to appear normal, even when we’re honest about our feelings. We may still prove boring because we don’t know them as well as we should, so we get stuck at the level of insisting on an emotion rather than explaining it. Any situation is extremely exciting, awful or beautiful, but not to be able to provide those around us with any of the sorts of related details and examples that would help them understand why. We can end up boring not so much because we don’t want to share our lives, as because we don’t yet know them well enough to do so.

Luckily, the gift of being interesting is not an exceptional talent. It requires only direction, honesty and focus. The person we call fascinating is someone alive to what we all deeply want from social intercourses, which is an uncensored glimpse of what the brief waking dream called life feels like.  Through the eyes of another person and reassurance, we are not entirely alone with all that feels most puzzling, strange and strong within us.

Saturday 4 March 2017

A training on Take Charge of life held at LG by AK Mishra Art of Success

AK Mishra’s Art of Success organized Life Transformational Training on “Take Charge of Life” at LG on 1st March 2017. The training session began at 11am and stretched till 5pm on the request of the zonal trainers of LG who were the primary audience of the session.
As the topic suggests "Take Charge of Life" the session aimed at helping the attendees realize that most of their decisions and actions in life are based on their surroundings rather their own willingness. Hence, everyone must strive to optimize their life and bring a change that matters.
The session commenced with an introduction of Success Guru AK Mishra followed by his own journey to success. Mr. AK Mishra said, that nothing in life is impossible to achieve, be it; success, wealth, healthy relationships or a right balance in life. 
The discourse also included the 5 pillars of life; Success, Happiness, Peace, Appreciation and humanity which can be accomplished through a well-composed approach towards development of mind, body and emotions. In this interactive session by Mr. AK Mishra, he encouraged the attendees to break the mediocrity of life and grasp the opportunity to transform each day to revive their souls and rejuvenate their minds. Attendees actively participated in the session and the training session acted as a stress buster for them.
“One must pursue his passion, whether it’s music, dance, writing or just sheer excelling in their lives. People often delay and become a victim of repetitive syndrome and get trapped in the mediocrity of life”—He said. 

When interacted with Mr. AK Mishra, he said – “The growing complexity and obscurity of modern corporate life is putting tremendous pressure on human mind and soul. People struggle to achieve a sane balance between their personal and professional lives and are trapped between their ‘want’ and their ‘can’. And therefore, my trainings aim at encouraging the people to break out this monotony and experience the life beyond the self-made conventional boundaries”. My aim is to encourage participants to introspect, and realize what they are losing while running behind in the race of the day to day competitions". 

Thursday 2 March 2017

Is it Necessary to Stamp out Materialistic Desires to be Happy?

What exactly is the meaning of happiness and how to get it - this simple question has been perplexing even most intelligent beings since ages.  A person can marvel at the ways people adopt to stay happy. Some of us believe buying trendiest clothes, coolest gadgets, and better things can make us happy while others opine possession of worldly things is the root cause of all our problems and we ought to stop accumulation. This is how we can connect to the god and master the hardships thrown to us by nature.
AK Mishra's Art of Success

On the surface, all of us look happy or pretend to be happy but deep down there is a feeling of void and we all diligently are in search of something that can fill in this void so that we could have peace, contentment, and happiness. Those of us, who count on materialistic approach and see worldly comforts as the substitute of happiness, often have to flip out for worldly comforts, are transient in nature and nothing but the transformation of worldly sorrows. So, to run only for material comforts in order to gain happiness does not seem to be the legitimate solution. On the other hand, if we detach our self from the worldly obligations, the growth of our society, as well as civilization, will be imperiled and if this is what god had expected from us, he would have not created the world.
So both the theories propounded to stay happy seem to be flawed and wide of the mark. It’s not possible to lead a life without using whatever that belongs to this world; likewise, complete detachment from the world is a potent threat to the development of healthy society. But we need not go berserk as we can always choose the middle way to attain a right balance in life.  We can enjoy all the amenities that world has to offer while being humble, honest, truthful and above all thankful to God. We also have to be vigilant enough to make sure that we don’t exploit nature and natural resources in order to enrich our lives.  We must also not have clandestine agenda for development; all our operations must be aboveboard. We don't need to detach from the world but moderate our actions and revive the swept away values. With insightful talk sessions by Success Guru AK Mishra and the meditation techniques, AK Mishra’s Art of Success training aims to help people connect with their higher self and learn the art of achieving peace, contentment, and success in life.

Wednesday 22 February 2017

4 Key Truths About Changing Your Life

Entrepreneurs are often considered larger than life. We are known to take big risks and navigate seemingly insurmountable odds. For many it’s a mindset and lifestyle that seems out of reach.
The truth is, we can all tap into these traits and discover our true potential. This becomes an important task when we feel stuck, like a hampster on the proverbial wheel, in a monotonous, unfocused and unfulfilled life.

Nothing changes until we change. We have to take a risk.
Here’s a look at four key principles you can use to start creating change in your life


  1. Break your routine

For many of us, life is repetitive. Every day we go home, have dinner, talk to our family members and fall sleep with very little variation. Break the dull routine and add some leisure activities to the mix. Plan a family trip and come back home with a renewed zest for life.
We all know how important it is to try new things. We’re told to look at the world with a fresh perspective, but we often fail to live that way. Hence, it’s necessary to remind ourselves that challenges help us grow. And without risk, we can never know what we are truly capable of.
A routine gives us structure; but it begs the question: Is your routine actually working (i.e. producing desired results)? As Dan Cumberland, author of The Meaning Manifesto suggests, “Sometimes breaking your routine is really important. Sometimes life, energy, and creativity are found outside of your usual routine.”

  1. Choose your own path daily

Your life is your own project. You have to nurture and fight for it daily.
It’s important to expand our thinking capacity. Explore beyond boundaries and conventional beliefs that insist there’s only one way to do something. Some rules are meant to be broken.
It may seem easy to follow someone else’s script for your life, but the results can be devastating. 
People that we care about will always have their opinions; consider them wisely. A the end of the day choose your own path.

  1. Experiment with your life

Risk-taking is a common trait among entrepreneurs. Fear of failure doesn’t hold them back. They know that if they take risks and fail, they will be glad that they tried something new.
When we take on new challenges we always have the opportunity to learn. Much of that learning is continued through iteration and experimentation as we find better ways to accomplish our goals the next time. This same mindset can be applied to life.
Ask yourself, “What is holding me back?” Is it your fear of failure or your ego? Maybe you’re afraid of what someone might say? Do you think it’s too late to try something new at this juncture in your life?
Trying something new doesn’t mean you have to flip your life upside down. Start with small changes every day. Experiment with your life.

  1. Never overlook the power of little things

Little things that we change can break the monotony of life and help us regain our personal power. Try a new restaurant, take your spouse for a night out on the town, go to an unfamiliar place with friends, try a new hobby, do something kind and unexpected for your parents.
Discover yourself and empower others by paying attention to the little things. Break at least one conventional rule every day and see what happens.