Thursday 8 December 2016

Take Charge of your life with AK Mishra's Art of Success

Every individual is an extraordinary creation of the universe, we must discover our uniqueness by paying attention to our deep inherent self. AK Mishra's Art of Success training sessions encourage participants to spend quality time in solitude in order to understand our inner voice and recognize our deep inherent potential to achieve extraordinary success in all spheres of life.

Monday 28 November 2016

Letting go of that ego before it gets hold on you

Ego is a state of mind which is nothing more than a self-proclaimed or self-constructed pseudo identity. It's a mindset which prevents a human's inner conscious to accept things in their natural entity. It can also be termed as self-concept or “Ahankara” as enshrined in the Indian Vedas of Ancient times which sometimes also disables the receptiveness of thoughts and ideas from the other sources.

In terms of human relationship, ego debars an individual to accept and pay regard to others individuality.  Relationships are a two-way process and in most of the cases, ego acts as a dead end on the road to a healthy relationship. If communication can act as a catalyst in a relationship, ego works all together in a different way. It acts as a slow poison and has venomous effects on the nerves of any relation.

Ego and ethics are also very closely related. The best example can be cited from our heritage Indian Epic of ‘The Ramayana'. In my personal opinion, if there would have been no Ego, there would not have been ‘The Ramayana’ or ‘The Mahabharata’.

When The Ravana, the most dedicated disciple of Lord Shiva gained control over his ego he was blessed with divine powers which were beyond the reach of a normal human being. But the same Ravana, when was taken over by his own ego; his defeat at the hands of Lord Rama entered the pages of Mythological History which will be enshrined in the minds of generations to come till infinity.

However, even Ravana showed some signs of ‘controlled ego’ as he had a very strong conviction of not forcing himself onto Sita until her own will. Such an exceptional control of seduction, lust and ego probably go missing nowadays when women; can rightly be termed as the largest minority of our country are subject to indecent and unexpected exploitation in a country like India where idols of women are worshiped as Goddess.

Therefore, at some instances, inheriting ego is also recommended. But where an individual has to get mild with his ego or where a human being has to be stringent on his/her stand subject to self-respect, understanding the correct timing of such switching is an art in itself.

There also exists a very fine distinguishing line between ego and self-esteem or self-realization and its interpretation also depends on the perspective of the viewer. For example, Medieval Indian History is observed as a dark age of bloodshed and ignorance which pushed India towards slavery at the dawn of the modern era according to the viewpoint and perspective of the British Historians.

However, the same age was glorified by the Indian Historians which witnessed a sea of Hindus ruled by able Muslim Rulers like Akbar. This era gave the human civilization hoards of world heritage sites like the Qutub Minar of New Delhi to Taj Mahal of Agra.

As it is rightly said by the Prime Minister of India Shri. Narendra Modi, “Mind is never a problem…Mindset it”, it’s the mindset behind these two opposite interpretation and perspective of viewing the same patch on the timeline. One engulfed with egoistic tendency of the Britons and the other enlightening thoughts of self-realization and actualization by the Indians.

With reference to the same context mentioned above, the Britons have started lagging behind on the world forum as well on many fronts just because of a conservative society and an egoistic tendency of being racially superior.  If we compare it to its former colony, the United States of America, the US, because of their liberal and progressive society have showcased tremendous progress within 300 years of their independence just because they weeded off the shrubs of conservatism and egoism way before the world could even realize it. It clearly shows that anything which embraces change at the earliest is far away from the evil of ego.

The same seesaw of Ego and Self Esteem is omnipresent when we talk about generation gap. Anyone tumbling off the balance is witnessed by collapse of the whole fabric of the relationship model.     

Like Happiness and sorrows, Love and hatred, Anger and revenge; even Ego is a part of complex human mindset which is clearly visible everyday around us in conflicts between individuals, for example, in the case of institution of marriage and divorce which we study in sociology to wars between Nations which forms the basis for contemporary International Relations and alignment, For example, Iran-Iraq war.

As the ups and downs of a tide self-realization and ego are indispensable. Therefore it is not at all possible for us to completely eliminate this human tendency from our society but it is always advisable “Letting Go of That Ego Before It Gets Hold of You"

Friday 4 November 2016

Ways to raise your self-esteem and its significance in your life

High self-esteem is extremely important in every aspect of our life, be it personal, professional or social. Yet, many of us struggle to find it. But here are a few simple ways which can certainly help you develop good self-esteem and experience a profound shift in your life.

Accept the fact that you are unique and special    

Every Human being is born unique with some extraordinary traits; you just need to recognize those special gifts you are blessed with. And to recognize those gifts, you will have to accept the fact that you are unique and cannot be compared with anyone else in the world because there is no one else in the world who is quite like you. Not only our DNA and fingerprints are different from everyone else, but our mind, our looks, our way of thinking and our approach towards life is unique too. Wherever we cast our glance we will find diversity which attests to the fact that our belief, thinking process and perception towards life will also differ. So if nature has made you so unique and special, shouldn’t you accept this uniqueness and embrace it as much as you can? Love yourself, because you are unique. When you’ll respect yourself and show the world your true self, the world will love you. And if someone doesn’t, let it be; everyone has their own opinions and choices.

Cut off all detrimental thoughts and beliefs    

Many people with low self-esteem are not expressive. In other words, they find their beliefs, opinions, and thoughts insignificant and try to conceal or suppress them. They fail to realize that their one thought and opinion can bring about profound changes in a situation or sometimes even in someone’s life. So it is wise to do away with toxic thoughts and beliefs and air your views, voice, and opinions which might not provide the solution all the time but sometimes can create a difference in somebody’s life or circumstances. The best way to enhance your self-esteem is to consider yourself equally significant as others and love yourself for the way you are.

Put your behavior in perspective

Generally, people with low self-esteem beat themselves up when they make an error of judgment or a mistake. They feel that they are good for nothing because they failed, lost a job or because they have been dumped in a relationship. But in fact, these events are a major part our lives which occur to bring out our hidden and true personality, to teach us lessons and to help us grow in life. How we perceive those failures and how we react to them is what shows our true characteristics. Hence, if you are likely to encounter such agonies in life, always remind yourself that it’s just a tiny particle of the multiple components and layers that make up the real you.

Positive outlook towards life and confidence in you and your abilities will help you sail through all the problems of life and you will learn how to ginger up and live your every day with unfathomable vigor and vitality.

Saturday 15 October 2016

Embrace the power of POSITIVITY

There are two types of individuals -  positive thinkers and negative thinkers. Negative thinkers are known to suffer more from health issues as compared to positive thinkers, as positive thoughts not only makes you healthier but it can also certainly help you lead a healthier and accomplished life. Hence, it is best to avoid negativity and adopt positivity as the brain easily catches negative thoughts and once the negative thoughts appear, they continue to multiply. Negative thinking thus not only affects your health but also hampers the other phases of life. Hence, it is imperative to know what negative thinking can do to your overall wellbeing.

Negativity Causes Depression
According to a research, it has been found that even if you try to suppress your negative thoughts, they always return. Hence, replacing negative thoughts with positive ones, ultimately
helps to dispel negative thoughts quickly and efficiently. It is the best solution to do away with the negative thoughts every time they trigger your mind. The study also discovered that negative thoughts worsen the condition of depression as these thoughts sabotage your endeavors to overcome depression.

Negativity Increases the Sensation on Pain

It is a well-known fact that negative thoughts worsen your skills to handle a situation and has a negative impact on your overall life, but apart from this, negativity also increases the sensation of pain in your body. Hence, individuals suffering from arthritis, sickle cell anemia and chronic pain tend to be affected more easily by their negative thoughts. So, negative thinkers experience more pain and also face many psychological disorders.

Transform Negative thoughts into positive ones

Negative thinking and stress can certainly worsen your health. While on the other hand, positive thinking boosts your immunity, makes you more competitive to handle the challenges of life, helps you fight pain and diseases and to recover faster. It paves the way for you to manifest more positive situation in your life. So it’s time to make a shift in your mind set and replace your negative thoughts with positive ones. Here’s how;

Smile often

It is a scientifically proven fact that a smile enhances your thought patterns and mood. The muscles of your forehead are directly linked to the emotional centre of your brain, which during an unwanted situation can make you depressed and moody. While, on the other hand, a smile transmits happy and positive thoughts to your mind. Hence, make a habit to smile more and experience more happy moments.

Devote few minutes to Yoga and Meditation

Yoga and meditation connect you with your deeper self and help you assess your deep inherent desires, flaws and promotes self-talk. These activities also help you assess your positive side and make you more powerful to consciously replace your negative thoughts with positive ones. It also helps you to develop a habit of thinking positively and practicing gratitude.

Take Charge of your Life

Instead of complaining in negative situations, learn to take charge of not only your emotions, actions but situations as well. And rather than being or feeling like a victim of situations in your own life, make a conscious choice whether you want it or not, if not, try to realize what choices will help you eliminate these unwanted situations in your life. So, learn to make the right choices, rather than leaving things to luck.

Surround yourself with positive people

Make sure the people around you with whom you socialize and spend most of your time, are positive people and positively encourage you to achieve your goals. Because the more positivity you have around you, the better the world around you will become!

Read only positive content

Just as you need positive people to be around you to help you stay positive, similarly, many positive books help in keeping you enthusiastic and motivated. Read quotes, books, positive articles and such other material available online, in print books, and even in podcast, TED talks, etc. Find positive quotes and paste them around you, in your rooms, workspace, etc.

Sing often to give yourself a positive boost

It has been scientifically proven that music boosts your mood and fights depression, so start tuning to your favorite songs. It’s a great activity to de-stress, along with having fun. The more you adopt the habit of singing, the happier you will become. Undoubtedly, it’s not easy to shift your state of mind and start thinking positively in an instant, but practice making a habit of replacing your negative thoughts with positive ones, whenever anything negative pops into your mind.

Saturday 1 October 2016

AK Mishra's Art of Success wishes all Happy Navratri

Navratri is a nine-day festival wherein devotees keep rigorous fast for 9 days while welcoming and worshipping various forms of Goddess Shakti to their homes. On this such an auspicious festival, AK Mishra's Art of Success wishes you all a very happy Navratri.  May the various forms of Goddess Shakti/Durga empower you with her nine blessings of name, fame, health, wealth, happiness, peace, humanity, knowledge and spirituality

Thursday 22 September 2016

Ways to overcome sadness in dark times

Happiness lies in our attitude
At some or other point of our life, we all face dark moments, sorrows, sadness and pain. Life is always full of ups and downs and cannot always give you joy, laughter, happiness and sweetness. Even a straight line in ECG machine declares a person dead. Through these dark experiences, we evolve, learn, grow and unlock newer dimensions of life. But our happiness, however, depends largely upon our attitude, if we look at the brighter side of the problems; we begin to understand that everything in life happens for a reason.

Accept and embrace the present situations
Whenever anger, sadness and anxiety are incited by a difficult situation, it simply means that you are attached to the situation and your over thinking about the cause triggering your suffering. Let go of what according to you should have happened and embrace the fact you are living and what has happened. Try to figure out the master plan of God and the reason behind whatever has happened.  Remember the answer is inside you, which can transform your attitude and your thoughts. Although yes, we all have the power to take charge of our life, but before all, we need to learn the art of taking charge of our emotions, ourselves; which comes through acceptance of present situations. Have the courage to make right choices for your life and embrace the reality.

Do not judge the situations over and over again
Let go of your judgmental thoughts of why it happened this way and not the way you expected. Don’t blame others or yourself for what has happened, if you’ll do; you’ll keep thinking about the situation and keep letting the situation overpower you positive thoughts and happiness. In order to free your mind, let go of negative judgments.

Thank God for the present moments, rather crying for the adversities
Gratitude helps you find happiness. Although happiness does not always make one grateful, but being grateful surely helps one to bring a smile. Gratitude begins with mindfulness and by embracing the present. We often make present moments unhappy while replaying past situations in our mind. Be grateful for the present situation and let the positive things enter into your life by accepting what has happened and by letting go the miserable thoughts.  
Try to make other smile and shift your focus from your own worries
During the hours of crises or adversities, we often think about our worries and make our situations even worse. When you find yourself lost in your worries, try to help someone else and try to make someone else smile. This will help you smile and release out your worries.

Revive the kid in you
Undoubtedly, keeping oneself optimistic in a difficult situation is not easy; still just try to take at least 15 to 20 minutes to enjoy the calm and stillness within you. Shut out the chatter which is going inside you and around you and spend time with the little kid inside you, hug that kid and begin loving yourself.
Just because you’ve experienced a difficult situation, do not shut yourself away from manifesting more reasons to smile and find happiness. Try to be in a company of positive people, look out for humour, be around with people who make you laugh, and try to smile and be present at the situation, and you’ll soon bounce back to a happy go lucky zone.

Friday 9 September 2016

Pros and Cons of Corporate Politics

One often hears statements like “I had a bad day at work today as there were too many politics!” or “I am fed up of these petty corporate politics”.

So, what exactly are these ‘corporate politics’?

There is no exact definition of ‘corporate politics’ given in the Oxford or the Collins dictionary. It is a term which has come into use very extensively over the last few decades due to the emergence of a number of MNCs and large corporates and the competition amongst the members of these organizations for personal or professional interests.

Just like the way there are two sides to every coin, each and everything in this world has its plus points and its negative points or as we say its pros and cons. One always tends to focus on relating to only the negative aspect of corporate politics. The term ‘corporate politics’ tends to make people cringe. But, corporate politics has a number of advantages as well. Let us have a look at both the sides of this coin.

The Pros:

Let us start on a positive note by looking at the pros of corporate politics which are as follows:

1.      It has rightly been said, “Success is not a destination, it is a journey”. So, to make this journey in the corporate world a success, one has to learn to follow the policy of ‘live and let live’. Corporate politics makes one understand and learn the art of not being ruffled by unnecessary petty politics and focusing single-mindedly on the task at hand.

2.   Strength is a very strong attribute to the development of one’s character. This strength cannot be achieved if one tends to run away from situations in life. Corporate politics definitely makes an individual stronger as these large organizations follow the policy of ‘survival of the fittest’ and in order to ‘survive’ in a corporate, one automatically learns to become strong.

3.      A positive attitude in life is a must to grow as an individual. One often has to ignore the politics going around and overcome all negativity by adopting a positive approach and having a positive outlook. So, corporate politics teach us to be positive at all times, no matter what the situation is.

4.      In order to obtain a shining precious jewel, a gem has to be mined, has to be polished and has to go through a lot of hardships to finally attain its form as an invaluable precious gem. Similarly, in order to become successful and thereafter enjoy the taste of success, one has to go through a number of hardships in work life, corporate politics being one of them.

The Cons:

Now, let us explore the negative aspects of this ‘unnecessary evil’ of the corporate world.

1.     Time and tide wait for none', especially not for petty politics. Corporate politics lead to a lot of time wastage. Things like plotting, planning and scheming for all the wrong things like how to let down someone or how to promote selfish interests, gossiping, insulting people around due to personal grudges etc. are all a waste of time which results in non-fulfillment of targets and inability to meet deadlines at work.

2.      The ability and capacity to work of those who engage in office politics or those who become a victim of those politics drop down drastically. If one is continuously engaging in office politics or being a victim of those politics, then from where would the energy or concentration to work come from? Hence, in order to enhance the capacity and potential of all employees which eventually enhances productivity, it is important to have a healthy office environment which is free from politics.

3.     Stress acts as a major obstacle in the path of progress. Corporate politics gives thousand times more stress than what regular office work does. It also leads to an unfriendly atmosphere at the workplace and causes ill will amongst colleagues. These petty politics spoil relationships and friendships which could bloom into beautiful flowers are nipped in the bud due to these politics.

4.     Most importantly, the growth of the organization is adversely affected by corporate politics. Corporate politics are often backed up by personal motives and selfish interests rather than interests of the company. So, instead of focusing on the growth of the company and individual professional growth, those who create politics focus only on those politics. For the organization to grow, it is important to have diligent workers who focus single-mindedly on work.

Thus, we can see that like everything else, corporate politics too has both its good and bad points. Ironically, if at one hand, it hampers the growth of an individual, then, on the other hand, it gives the strength, the confidence and the wisdom to grow. By focusing on the pros of corporate politics while being a victim and by avoiding any engagement in politics, one can indeed create a love towards the work and ease down unwanted stress level.